Spree Brand to Fold into Superbalist in October

Source: www.bizcommunity.com

The announcement in June that SA’s online fashion juggernauts, Spree and Superbalist, will merge into one focused platform, left many questions regarding the branding of the new entity.
Today, curiosity was quelled when it was revealed that the new business will retain the Superbalist.com brand name with the Spree.co.za brand being phased out. All customers will be migrated to the Superbalist.com platform from October this year.

The combined business will be positioned as the largest player in South African online fashion, creating a serious challenger to brick and mortar retailers. The Takealot group owns 49% of the new business and has management control. It predicts double-digit year-on-year growth for the merged entity.

Luke Jedeikin and Claude Hanan, the current co-CEO’s of Superbalist, will continue in their current positions, now running the merged entity.

Spree and Superbalist merge to form single, focused fashion platform
Spree and Superbalist merge to form single, focused fashion platform

Spree and Superbalist, two of South Africa’s most popular online fashion retailers, will merge into a single platform, Media24 and Takealot.com announced today…

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Significant online potential

“There is a huge opportunity to build a substantial position in the online footwear and apparel market in South Africa. The new business will remain truly customer-focused and forward-thinking and is now able to compete head-to-head with current larger brick and mortar competitors,” said Jedeikin and Claude Hanan.

The merchandise offering will cater to the entire spectrum of South African shoppers with classics, high fashion, street gear and plus-size ranges part of the merchandise mix. “We’ll offer all available payment options – including cash on delivery – and an exceptional online shopping experience with robust logistics. This includes click and collect points which are currently being rolled out across South Africa.”

Online retail potential will soon be realised in SA - Spree
Online retail potential will soon be realised in SA – Spree

After a few years hovering around the 1% mark, Spree predicts online shopping’s share of total retail sales in South Africa will increase exponentially over the next three years…

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Jedeikin and Hanan add that the decision to go with the Superbalist.com brand was not an easy one because both brands have strong equity. “Regardless of the name we trade under, the most important aspect of our business remains great customer experience. Superbalist.com has always been synonymous with exceptional customer service and its position in the Takealot group means there is a high level of trust in its logistical capabilities.”

All Spree.co.za customers will automatically be migrated to the Superbalist.com platform with the new business honouring all purchases, warranties, returns and refunds.

Source: www.bizcommunity.com